Art & Craft
In Art and Craft, children are provided with ample opportunity to experiment and express
themselves. A wide range of ideas, materials, textures, colours and form are introduced. The Art &
Craft section introduces the various techniques of working with different materials like clay, glass,
paper, tiles, wool, cardboard, etc.

The school firmly believes in the maxim "a healthy mind resides in a healthy body". In
order to promote all round development of students, the School has always laid stress on sporting
activities. In addition to teaching various physical and sporting skills to students, the school encourages
multidimensional activities which satisfy the human urges for competition for a taste of victory. Annual
Sports Meet for students are held, apart from regular competitions in various sports.
Music and Dance

Performing Arts own a very special place in the School. Students are provided with compulsory
Music education. Every student has the opportunity to express his or her rhythm and thereafter to hone
these talents.From contemporary to classical, students are exposed to all forms of art, to help them find
their own note in life. The objective of the school in this regard is to ensure that each student find his or
her own latent talents, is encouraged and guided to hone and improve them.

The School offers training in various musical instruments, Folk and Western dance along with Vocal
Clubs and Houses
Fundamental Clubs for encouraging students to learn various skills and activities, and to increase their involvement
in the subjects of their interest. All the students from classes III to VIII are necessary to opt for at least one club activity
of their interest. Each club has a structured curriculum which gives hands on experience to students.
Events and Competition
The school often organises many creative and interesting competitions/events. Some of them
are listed below:

1. Healthy Food v/s Junk Food
2. Skating Competition
3. Investiture Ceremony
4. Inter House Dance Competition
5. Pool Party
6. G.K Quiz Competition
7. Project/Model Making
8. Flag Making Competition
9. Reading Competition
10. Dandiya Competition
11. Rangoli Competition
12. English Recitation Competition
13. Vocabulary Competitiom
14. Extempore
15. Mocktail Making Competition